Menarini Group: United in the fight against COVID-19

Since the beginning of COVID-19 pandemic outbreak, Menarini has committed tirelessly to explore new instruments to fight against SARS-CoV2 infection.

Menarini aims to bring effective solutions to COVID-19, responding to the global call to improve patients’ health, help clinicians facing this extraordinary event, sustain the track and tracing policies helping restoring global public wellbeing.

Menarini is strongly determinate to provide its knowledge and expertise, advancing the development of innovative technologies and supporting the availability of new diagnostic tools.

As a key player in the specific area, Menarini continues to work with partners and authorities to address medical and public needs linked to the emergency.

Menarini Group

COVID-19: Monoclonal Antibodies, a possible treatment

The development of novel antibodies will help to fight back against Covid- 19. 
It is with this mission and business strategy in mind that Menarini is partnering with Tuscan Life Sciences, since Menarini Biotech acts as service provider (CDMO) for the provision of the drug substance necessary for the treatment of the COVID-19 patients.

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A. Menarini Diagnostics is committed to fight COVID-19 pandemic providing solutions for timely and decentralized response with early identification of cases.

We believe that this fight must be carried out through integrated solutions according to the different needs, passing through high throughput centralized diagnosis, but also through rapid and sensitive tests at the point of need for a quick diagnosis of patients.

A. Menarini Diagnostics has built a complete product portfolio of tests, both for the detection of the virus and its antibodies through different methodologies for a comprehensive response against COVID -19.

Virus Detection

Molecular Diagnostics

Molecular diagnostic solutions for the rapid, accurate and sensitive detection of viral and bacterial pathogens. Menarini offers sample-to-result testing solutions, together with mPOCT and syndromic testing platforms to help manage variable combinations of sample number, type and number of tests.


Antibody Detection


A. Menarini Diagnostics offers an extensive Immunoassay menu for lab routine, and emergency setting to help clinicians make the right decision in a clinically relevant time frame regarding hospital admission, antiviral or antibiotic therapy, and additional diagnostic testing.


Studying endothelial damage in COVID-19

Menarini Silicon Biosystems, a leader in the field of rare cells isolation and analysis, has put in place its resources to contribute advancing the knowledge on COVID-19.

COVID-19 is often associated with cardiovascular complications and endothelial damage. Studies have shown that the number of endothelial cells that are circulating in the bloodstream (CECs) can be a specific and sensitive marker of endothelial damage and could help identify the most severe COVID-19 cases.

Menarini Silicon Biosystem’s CELLSEARCH® platform, in combination with the CELLSEARCH® Circulating Endothelial Cell Kit*, is able to capture and enumerate CECs in peripheral blood and ongoing studies are aimed at demonstrating that enumeration of CECs is a potential biomarker of cardiovascular complications.

* For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. The performance characteristics, safety, and effectiveness have not been established and are not cleared or approved by the FDA.

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menarini silicon biosystem

"We are all experiencing the most serious global nightmare in our lifetimes. The Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a highly contagious and virulent virus that has changed our lives completely in a very small period of time. In view of this tragedy, I wish to inform all of you that the Menarini Foundation is taking the initiative to publish an updated and selected list of the most pertinent articles chosen from the most notable international medical journals and magazines in the world."

Dr. Louis J. Ignarro, PhD
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1998
“Member of the Fondazione Menarini Scientific Committee”

Menarini against COVID-19

Menarini against COVID-19

Discover our Projects and Donations for global health during the COVID-19 pandemia

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