

The proper management of pain remains, after all, the most important obligation, the main objective, and the crowning achievement of every physician
The Management of Pain (1953), John J. Bonica.


Pain is a common problem, a leading cause of disability and disease burden globally. Pain is one of the main health problems in the 21st century and its management continues to be one of the most commonly encountered clinical conditions for practitioners. On a global scale the impact of pain has far reaching effects upon the social structure, function and economic welfare of society as a whole. Of note, pain has also a significant impact on labour forces participation and on healthcare utilization.

“Pain has a considerable impact on the biological, psychological, sociological and economical welfare of the patient. Therefore, it cannot be underestimated” 

The practice of post-operative pain medicine has radically changed over the last twenty years, morphing from an almost exclusively anaesthesia-based, recovery room and procedure-oriented part-time practice into a multidisciplinary, multimodality, multispecialty field. These changes have been the consequence to recent studies in basic pain biology and advances in imaging technology, which have significantly improved pain diagnosis and treatment. In 2019, pain was classified as a pathology itself according to the IASP (International Association for the Study of Pain) Taskforce.

Acute pain is considered the most frequent reason for seeking health care assistance and among the most frequent painful conditions, there are headache, musculoskeletal pain, toothache and menstrual pain.


Low back pain

Low back pain (LBP) has a life time prevalence of 70% - 85%.

The socioeconomic impact of chronic LBP is comparable with depression, heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

Globally, LBP is one of the five leading causes of years lived with disability (YLDs), contributing with 57.6 million of total YLDs.

Joint disorders

Musculoskeletal conditions, including osteoarthritis (OA), rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and osteoporosis are the most common cause of severe long-term pain and physical disability and they affect hundreds of millions of people around the world.


Pain is the primary outcome measurement in OA, and its assessment is mostly based on its intensity. Joint pain is usually the main aspect of symptomatic OA that leads patients to seek medical attention.

Traumatic pain

Millions of people around the world visit hospital Emergency Departments (ED) each year due to injuries and pain imposes a substantial burden on emergency care, as this is often the primary complaint of patients presenting to EDs.



Post operative pain

About 80% of patients undergoing surgical procedures experience acute post-operative pain. 86% of patients with acute post-operative pain report its severity as moderate, severe or extreme.

Less than half of patients report adequate post-operative pain relief. Inadequately controlled pain negatively affects quality of life, functional recovery and risk of post-surgical complications.

Pain can reduce the quality of life having also an impact on the patient’s family, thus a rapid solution is needed. Pain management in today’s practice has progressed to embrace a wide variety of multi-level interventions including medical, physical and psychological therapies, among which multimodal analgesia stands as a promising component.

Menarini Role in Pain Area

Menarini Group has been actively engaged in the fight against painful symptoms since the early 80s through intense research and development of new active ingredients, carried out by its researchers at advances medical facilities in Italy and abroad.


Thanks to this intense research activity and to sophisticated molecular engineering methods, Menarini Group provides at global level innovative and biotechnologically advanced molecules, responding to patients’ concrete need.

Accordingly, Menarini Group offers to HCPs and to the public a wide range of pharmaceutical products, both ethical and O.T.C. (Over The Counter), providing treatment solutions for different painful conditions.

As a result, Menarini Group recently introduced in Europe and several extra European Countries a new painkiller drug, enlarging its portfolio in the therapeutic area.
Moreover, in this area, the Company supports numerous clinical studies, carrying out constant updates to both physicians and patients. 
With high medical-scientific information standards, Menarini Group actively supports HCPs in the correct communication with patients, playing a fundamental role in the successful management of their painful conditions.