
Hunger does not go on holiday

According to official data, around 21% of the population in the Iberian province of Catalonia lives in poverty. For these people, the summer months are not the most carefree and enjoyable, but instead, risk being the most difficult.

As a reminder that economic hardship does not only exist at Christmas, when we are all the more ready to help others, in 2015 the project La fam no fa vacances (Hunger does not go on holiday) was born, which aims to support the less fortunate at times of the year when there are fewer donations, such as during the summer holidays. Set up by the Fundación Banco de Alimentos in Barcelona, the initiative also includes Menarini Spagna among its sponsors.

For example, from 17 to 31 July in the summer of 2023, the staff of our Badalona branch organised the usual food collection. The “treasure” accumulated consisted of 1.406 kilos of food which was destined for Banc dels Aliments, a quantity that was doubled to 2.812 kilos of products thanks to our company’s contribution.


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