
Planting coral in the ocean

An initiative that involved 93 workers from Menarini Thailand and their families. Their team building exercise, aimed at the conservation of the marine ecosystem, took place at the Koh Sichang Marine Animal Bank Learning Centre in the Chonburi Province.

Why focus on coral? Because these living organisms have a positive cascade effect on the areas in which they are found. Not only do they provide a safe refuge for a many marine species, they also absorb and store carbon dioxide, helping to mitigate climate change. Coral have even more "talents" however - they protect the coastline from erosion and provide an economic resource that benefits the local community by boosting tourism.

The good thing about virtuous actions is their knock-on effect. On the same occasion, Menarini Thailand’s employees also took part in the release of limulus crabs. Also known as horseshoe crabs, they have existed on Earth for over 450 million years, but are now, unfortunately, at risk of extinction given their vulnerable status. Witnessing the return of these amazing creatures to the sea was a real bonus for our colleagues.


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