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Everyday we put our values into action. 4 values, which have given life to Menarini and shaped its history.
Menarini is investing in advanced science and technology to develop a pipeline of new products that make a difference to the lives of patients affected by serious conditions.
MENARINI is a fully integrated privately owned pharma company with a long and successful heritage in strategic partnering across the globe. We have a profound know-how stemming from our strong R&D capabilities in key therapeutic areas, coupled with our excellence in commercial execution and our powerful direct presence on a global basis.
Our dedicated Corporate Business Development team is committed to assess and explore innovative new opportunities.
Donations of backpacks and cases for school, distribution of meals and medicines, promotion of sport, support for pregnant women and much more: being responsible for Menarini means transforming good intentions into concrete efforts. By helping others, we want to contribute to improve the world around us, starting with us.
What does it really make Menarini unique? The diversity and authenticity of our key resource - the People. Our cultural diversity helps us to drive innovation, adapt to business changes, face challenges, inspire ideas and develop our growth.
Menarini employees make all the difference, every day.
Ogni giorno mettiamo in pratica i nostri valori. 4 valori, che hanno dato vita a Menarini e ne hanno forgiato la storia.
Menarini investe continuamente nella scienza e nelle tecnologie all'avanguardia per lo sviluppo di una pipeline di nuovi prodotti che facciano la differenza nella vita dei pazienti affetti da gravi patologie.
Menarini è un’azienda privata completamente integrata con una lunga storia di collaborazioni di successo in tutto il Mondo. In Menarini abbiamo una conoscenza ed esperienza consolidata frutto della nostra capacità di Ricerca & Sviluppo nelle aree terapeutiche chiave, accompagnate da un’eccellente presenza capillare in tutto il Mondo.
Il nostro Team dedicato di Business Development è impegnato a valutare ed esplorare nuove opportunità innovative.
Dalla distribuzione di pasti e medicinali, dai kit per andare a scuola alla promozione dello sport all'aiuto per le donne in gravidanza: essere responsabili, per noi di Menarini, significa tradurre le buone intenzioni in sforzi concreti. Aiutando gli altri diamo il nostro contributo a migliorare il mondo che ci circonda, a partire da noi.
Che cosa rende davvero Menarini unica? La diversità ed autenticità del nostro valore più importante - le Persone. La nostra diversità culturale ci aiuta a guidare l'innovazione, ad adattarci ai cambiamenti di mercato, ad affrontare le sfide, ad ispirare idee e a promuovere la nostra crescita.
Chi lavora in Menarini fa la differenza, ogni giorno.
2012 - 9 - 20
Ibodutant for relief of irritable bowel Syndrome
Click here to view videos of interviews with Dr. Carlo Alberto Maggi, Dr. Angela Capriati and Dr. Maria Altamura on Menarini's Research projects and the Iris-2 Study (available in Italian only)
Press Release
Rome, September 20, 2012
30 billion euros in 10 EU countries.This what the EU spends each year for IBS. In Italy alone over 3 million people suffer from IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) which is now among the leading causes of absence from work.(¹)
Menarini concluded the IRIS-2 trial on Ibodutant, with positive results. Ibodutant is an original molecule from Menarini Research for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome and in particular for IBS-D, a subtype of the syndrome in which diarrhea is the primary symptom.
The IRIS-2 trial was conducted in 8 European countries (²) with 559 patients (60% women) selected from a sample of over 1000 patients on the basis of strict criteria according to the severity of the disease The trial has shown to significantly improve symptoms of IBS in about 50% of the treated individuals. Ibodutant, which has already proven to be safe and well tolerated in previous studies, has been shown to be effective on abdominal pain and on all symptoms accompanying IBS-D from the first week of administration. The next step for Menarini will be to start phase III clinical studies in which researchers from the Florentine pharmaceutical company will confirm Ibodutant’s efficacy and safety data on a much larger sample of patients.
"We started planning the IRIS-2 trial in 2009. The first patient began treatment with Ibodutant in October 2010 and the last one completed it in May 2012. The Ibodutant molecule was "born" in Menarini’s research laboratories in Florence in 2002 and development began in 2004. The roots of this project, however, are more remote and practically coincide with the birth of Menarini Research, which in the 80s and 90s made a series of scientific discoveries that created the know-how necessary for the successive phase of development," said Carlo Alberto Maggi, Director of Research and Development at the Menarini Group.
These findings, published in leading international scientific journals, have provided the basis for numerous awards won by Menarini researchers, five of whom have been included in the ranking of the most cited pharmacologists in the world between 1981 and 1999 by ISI (Institute for Scientific Information), a record that no other company in the world, including large multinationals, holds during this period.
Angela Capriati, Director of Clinical Research of the Menarini Group, says, "We are very pleased with the results. The level of benefit shown by Ibodutant and its tolerability were never demonstrated by any other treatment. The effect is particularly evident in women - more than 50% of them have reported 'satisfactory relief' of symptoms during the treatment."
The trial coordinator was Professor Jan Tack, Professor of Medicine, Department of Gastroenterology, University of Leuven in Belgium.
For further information, click here
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Menarini � un�azienda privata completamente integrata con una lunga storia di collaborazioni di successo in tutto il Mondo. In Menarini abbiamo una conoscenza ed esperienza consolidata frutto della nostra capacità di Ricerca & Sviluppo nelle aree terapeutiche chiave, accompagnate da un�eccellente presenza capillare in tutto il Mondo.
Il nostro Team dedicato di Business Development � impegnato a valutare ed esplorare nuove opportunità innovative.
Scopri le nostre storie da tutto il mondo