Innovation & Research

Infectious Diseases

Infectious diseases represent a global healthcare challenge, compounded by the issue of antimicrobial resistance. Antimicrobial resistance of bacterial pathogens is increasing globally at alarming levels, as are the associated morbidity and mortality rates. Patients with infections caused by drug-resistant bacteria have a high risk of achieving poor clinical results. In addition, without effective antibiotics the success of major surgeries, solid or hematopoietic transplants and cancer chemotherapies can be compromised.


In 2017, Menarini initiated a partnership with the U.S. company Melinta Therapeutics for the development of delafloxacin, an anionic fluoroquinolone. The partnership with Melinta Therapeutics was consolidated in 2018, when Menarini acquired the exclusive rights to co-develop and commercialize meropenem/vaborbactam and oritavancin. We are now involved in the development of the pediatric investigation plans for meropenem/vaborbactam and oritavancin. We also completed on the development of a new oritavancin formulation leading to a more convenient dosage form.

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Our technologies for rare cells analysis

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Drug development is a challenging process, and success relies on the integration of innovative scientific discoveries with the necessary capabilities and resources to transform them into effective healthcare solutions.

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